Complaints Procedure

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Complaints Procedure2022-11-21T16:07:52+00:00

Complaints Procedure – Information for Patients

Cranley Clinic is committed to providing high-quality service to all patients. However, all clinic staff recognise that there may be occasions when patients may wish to complain about some aspect of the service offered or received. If you feel you want to discuss an issue or make a complaint, we kindly ask that you bring this to the attention of a staff member as soon as possible. This complaints procedure ensures that your complaint will be dealt with as quickly as possible.

If you have a complaint or concern about the service you have received from the doctors or staff working at Cranley Clinic, you are entitled to ask for an explanation. We operate an in-house complaints procedure to deal with your complaint. Be assured that any complaint you make, written or verbal, will be treated in strict confidence and will have no effect upon the level of future treatments and care you receive at The Cranley Clinic.

This procedure does not deal with matters of legal liability or compensation.

Our promise to you – we will:

  • Listen to your complaint or concern.
  • Respond by establishing a clear, appropriate plan of action and providing relevant support and advice.
  • Improve the service however we can.

How to make your complaint:

Verbal Complaints

If you wish to speak to someone about an aspect of the Cranley Clinics healthcare services, please bring your concern to a member of staff as soon as possible, preferably before leaving the Clinic. Staff will make every effort to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible. However, if your  concerns are not resolved to your satisfaction, you will be advised on the process to make a formal written complaint.

Written Complaints

All written complaints should be addressed to Cranley Clinic (CQC Registered Manager Mr Philip Oag) at the following address, 106 Harley Street, London, W1G 7JE. Or please email

Please describe as fully as you can the nature of your complaint, stating the following information:

  • what you are unhappy about
  • when the incident took place, and
  • what clinic staff were present at the time.

Your complaint will be acknowledged in writing within five (5) working days of receiving the letter.

Cranley Clinic will carry out a full investigation of the nature of your complaint and offer to meet with you to resolve the issue/s. You will receive a full written response within twenty (20) working days of receiving the complaint.

If a complete response cannot be given within twenty (20) working days of receiving your complaint, Cranley Clinic will write to you to explain the reason for the delay. You will receive a written response within five (5) days of a conclusion being reached.

If you would prefer a family member, friend, or advocate to make the complaint on your behalf, they may do so, and the Clinic will work with them and yourself to resolve the problem. However, whilst receiving a complaint on your behalf, we cannot provide any medical information to a third party without your authority. To discuss or provide confidential information, we require a letter signed and dated by you. A member of our staff would be happy to assist you with this.

Care Quality Commission (CQC)

You may wish to contact the Care Quality Commission (CQC) concerning your complaint. The CQC is the organisation that regulates independent healthcare providers in England.

The address is: Care Quality Commission, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne NEI 4PA

(Tel: 03000 616161) Internet: .

However, please note that the CQC does not have the power to investigate complaints formally.

Please be assured that Cranley Clinic will deal with all complaints confidentially. Following the investigation, we will consider making changes to the independent healthcare service to improve all patients’ services.

Getting further help with your complaint

We hope that through our practice complaints procedure we can resolve your problem satisfactorily. We believe that this will give us the best chance to put the matter right with you and the opportunity to improve our services for all our patients. However, if we are unable to resolve your complaint and you are not happy with the outcome, we would advise you to contact an independent Complaint adjudication service the General Medical Council offer this service